Chainlink Functions

Chainlink Functions

You all might have heard how Web3 is unable to use Web2's APIs. And that WAS also one of the major drawbacks of Web3. Yes, you have read correctly, the drawback has become past with the release of "CHAINLINK FUNCTIONS".

Chainlink has recently released something completely new and one-of-a-kind. And that's Chainlink Functions. Chainlink Functions is a solution allowing a smart contract to fetch data from any external API. It gives us access to the off-chain computation and Web2 APIs, and for this, we don't have to configure our own Chainlink Node. But for every computation or API request, some of Chainlink's LINK tokens will be consumed as the gas fees of the transaction.

Use Cases

  • Connect to any public data and transform it before consumption.

  • Connect to a password-protected data source like smartwatches, or enterprise resource planning systems.

  • Connect to an external decentralized database, such as IPFS, to facilitate off-chain processes.

  • Connect to Web2 application and build complex hybrid smart contracts.

  • Fetch data from almost any Web2 system such as AWS, Firebase, or Google Cloud Storage.

Getting Started

  • Set up your Web3 wallet and find your private key.

  • Install the required frameworks.

  • Configure the starter kit with your environment variables.

  • Simulate a Chainlink Functions request.

  • Set up a subscription for Chainlink Functions.

  • Send a Chainlink Functions request to the DON.

For further details on getting started, click HERE.